Jun 8, 2013

Summer's up

I first decided to write this post in Finnish... I changed my mind
after I re-read the text and it sounded really weird..
Anyways - summer holiday's here and there's nothing left to do.
I'm one of those lucky teens who have a job. Actually
I got two. And they aren't just for summer but I've been working
in both of them a year now. (Still haven't got the money xD)

it feels like this holiday has already lasted a month when it
actually has lasted just a week. 
It's somehow horrible just to hang around 24/7, mostly at home,
and have pretty much nothing to do.
I mean... I need school!
I would've never thought that I'd say this but 
at least there I met all the lovely people every
day. Now... well it's just me, job and a sofa.

In 18 days I will fly back to Spain 
and I really can't wait that long to meet my
dear friends and "family" again!
On the other hand... only 18 days left to 
collect money for shopping and stuff...
(So not going to happen!)

I solemly swear that I will post waaaay more often now
 when I have only time
 in my hands. I hope you guys enjoy
the holidays more than I do.



  1. Vaikuttais siltä että meidän Espanjan matka tulee hyvään saumaan (; well I also admit waiting it veeery much <3

    1. Indeeed!!! (; hyvässä seurassa ihana matka tiedossaaa!!! räjähdän ilosta

  2. Postaaaa useemmin! Millos tuun Tampereelle? :)

    1. Working on that :DD !
      Nooo millos sä pääsisit ystävä hyvä (: oon espanjassa tosiaan öhh viikon siinä kesä- heinäkuun taitteessa

  3. If you're that bored, maybe YOU should call your friends. ;)


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