Jun 24, 2013

just a blink and it's gone

 jep, jep... taisinpa erehdyksessä luvata
että kirjoittelisin tän viikon puolella
jostain "suomalaisuudesta" muttaaa
sittenpä muistinkin, että se ei ehkä kuitenkaan
onnistu, kun juurikin tällä hetkellä 
maanantai (päivistä ihanin) 
alkoi. :D
Että jospa katsotaan asiaa uudelleen
myöhemmin tällä viikolla xD

xoxo Anniina

ps. huomatkaa kirjoituskieli, enkä tiedä
mihin toi otsikko kuuluu :D

Jun 19, 2013

captured seconds

I am going to write about the theme 
"being Finnish" later this week
(tosin ajattelin ehkä kirjoittaa sen englanniksi, 
että myös ulkomaalaiset ymmärtävät
millaista on olla suomalainen :D sori

But today I decided to share my captured 
moments (read my previous post "I love...")
 from my trip to Helsinki.

Like I said, children are my favourite
when it comes to photographing.
They are so spontaneous
and innocent.
These two kids are my cousins.
They are just awesome!

They just do stuff that looks
amazing in pictures. 
(In case you are quick enough to capture 
those precious moments)

I think every one of us could 
learn something from these 
kids who know how to 
enjoy life.

"Can't you do this, Anniina?" 
As a matter of fact, I don't.
(what a surprise.. xD)

I told her to be serious...
she said "This looks funnier"
And she was right,
as always.


Jun 12, 2013

I love...

Yes, well, you guys weren't that excited to give
me suggestions about what to write but I got 
few from my dear friend Niklas (<
They weren't easy ones but I'll do my best :D

He asked me to do a post about what I love but said
that I'm not allowed to write
"I love carrots"
Sad, huh? 
But to make this one more
(I have no idea what that means
but I'll give it a go)

...making artistic boxes and scrapbooks. 
I always feel like I make them look like me or if I'm doing
it for present to someone, like them. It's really important
to put whole heart in it so that you can see that it's been made 
with love. Like the box above for example is made for my spanish
stuff (dictionaries, notes, money for trip, meds and memories).
I named it my "Spain -box" and after my trip to there I will fulfill
it with photos and little things.
My goal is to remove all the plastic boxes from my room (there's
a lot of them) and replace them with this kind of artistic boxes.
That's how it's easier to keep the things in place.

...pleasing people. (And I know what 
you're thinking xD) But I mean that I always
want that all the people near me are happy
and I'm willing to do anything
to keep them happy and safe.

...photographing. And not some serious one
but taking cool pictures just for fun. 
I love it when I get a good picture from some 
tiny moment and capture something unique. 
 (also the photo below)

Solo Quiero ser Feliz :) ♥ | via Facebook 
...smiling. The best feeling is to smile to some
stranger and to get a smile back. I always feel like
I've made someone's day. I also very often smile
at random things, because I get happy from very
simple, everyday things.

...romantic things. Everything that involves love 
somehow is something I can't resist.

...beautiful skies. And everything that
is beautiful somehow.
I just want to enjoy every second of life 
and that's why I always look for the beautiful
parts in every situation. Sometimes it's
hard, but totally worth it.

...life. It's so amazing and exciting adventure.
The best part of it is that I'll never know
where it'll take me next.

(tried to keep it brief)

Jun 10, 2013

Oh, Monday...

Today has been absolutely horrific... 
I messed up everything 
(LITERALLY -  every single thing) 
at work. Ended up cleaning after myself quite a bit.
I was exhausted and started playing the piano...
 didn't feel lucky with that either. 
So I decided to sleep. Sleeping's always a solution 
(on Mondays.)

I've always wanted to know how would it feel like 
to travel in a huuge soap bubble...
(I know, completely irrelevant information xD)

SO yes, like all the nice little misfortunes 
weren't enough...
thunderstorm started. I am scared of them...
Reeeally nice.
Oh, how I love Mondays...

I love the sound of rain. It's somehow relaxing 
(I pretty much everytime fall asleep while listening) 
and I love singing and dancing in the rain
- in the summer of course, when rain is still warm..
My dear dog won't come out if it's raining... Such a DIVA..
Can't stand getting his pretty little paws wet .

The second best thing on a rainy day is reading.
(Though lately have fallen asleep everytime I read)
 Especially exciting detective books (like
Sherlock Holmes or Harry Hole) kinda fit the mood perfectly.
Since I'm such a hopeless romantic..
.I find the mood very important.
Rainy summer evening - what could be more romantic?
Well, okay, maybe a rainy summer evening with
that special someone :D

This post turned out to be a reeal big mess... 
I don't know what was my point nor did I even have one, 
but hey! I posted!
 Like I promised. 
Forgive me, it's Monday. (:

Well I promise that next time I'll try to write something
that makes sense 

Until then

PS. Please comment below all possible suggestions
for me to write about. You can also do it on Facebook 
or anyway you want.

(just to make this even more messy, a completely irrelevant photo:)

Jun 8, 2013

Summer's up

I first decided to write this post in Finnish... I changed my mind
after I re-read the text and it sounded really weird..
Anyways - summer holiday's here and there's nothing left to do.
I'm one of those lucky teens who have a job. Actually
I got two. And they aren't just for summer but I've been working
in both of them a year now. (Still haven't got the money xD)

it feels like this holiday has already lasted a month when it
actually has lasted just a week. 
It's somehow horrible just to hang around 24/7, mostly at home,
and have pretty much nothing to do.
I mean... I need school!
I would've never thought that I'd say this but 
at least there I met all the lovely people every
day. Now... well it's just me, job and a sofa.

In 18 days I will fly back to Spain 
and I really can't wait that long to meet my
dear friends and "family" again!
On the other hand... only 18 days left to 
collect money for shopping and stuff...
(So not going to happen!)

I solemly swear that I will post waaaay more often now
 when I have only time
 in my hands. I hope you guys enjoy
the holidays more than I do.
