Aug 26, 2013

Waiting for the nightfall

I'm kinda afraid of the dark. You wouldn't know that if you visit my room during the wintertime. Because I don't want to put the lights on at all. (Christmas lights and candles are not counted)
I enjoy the darkness and I love to go for a walk with Maximus after nightfall.
At the same time I feel a bit unsecure when I can't see what is going on around me. (though... What you don't see, can't hurt you.)

What I like about darkness and night time, are the stars. I just can't get enough of watching them. And the moon! And the beautiful colours of the night sky.

But when your dog starts barking at an empty road... well you just kinda want to run back home and never look back...if you know what I mean

Well enjoy the darkening nights folks


Aug 20, 2013

Beautiful people

I don't know why but I've kinda loved the whole world (well not quite...) lately.
For example today I felt an urge to tell every one how important they are to me. I still didn't want to wake up everyone.

I don't know what I'd do without my friends. (propably just sit on a sofa at home alone watching tv and eating candies and shit) They always cheer me up somehow. I don't even know how they do it. Maybe I just have the greatest friends on earth.

oh I know that Taru will hate me for this
but I still kinda love this shot <3 p="">

Anyway I wanted to say that it makes me extremely sad to see people walking around on the streets with depressed looks on their faces and you know they look like they're done with their life. I just wish I could go and shake them. I want to scream at them "NO. you're life isn't this boring. you can do the things you want to, you can make your heart's deepest desires to reality."
What I really do is smile to them, trying to steal a smile back. 

Make your own path and own it. Don't care about the other people's opinions. Be that colourful spot in the grey mass. Brighten up someone's day. Reveal your feelings for that special someone. Love your loved ones with your whole heart. 


PS. Oh how nonsense this all was but I needed to get this out of my mind.
Love you guys and the whole world <3 p="">

Aug 13, 2013

Back to school

Hey guys,
summer's over and... I'm reaaally sorry I haven't had time to
write here AT ALL.
I had great plans for this blog for summer but clock didn't give me
any mercy. My excuse is then this :
                   I had no time for anything.

I promise to write more now when I don't have to work everyday (actually I do).
On holiday I left home around 6AM and returned around midnight. Soo... really, I had no

SO you will hear about me
veeery soon.
Until that