Apr 29, 2013

Spring is when...

...you feel like whistling
even with a shoe full of slush
-Doug Larson

Who wouldn't love spring?
Warm Wind whispers 
"Summer is coming, can you feel it?"
Sunbeams warm your back
flowers start pushing from a grey ground

And the birds
they are back
they sing
they fill the air
with their beautiful songs
that tell about

I can feel
the joy
inside of me

The love
I just want
to share it
with that special

Is that
ask for?

With all the love

Apr 25, 2013

"Sadness is but a wall between two gardens" - Gibran

"I've cried, and you'd think I'd be
better for it, but the sadness just sleeps,
and it stays in my spine
the rest of my life."
-Conor Oberst

I've been somehow quite sad lately. 
It hasn't shown from my face, because 
I'm rather good at hiding it.
At times you may see my mask slipping away
for a moment and then you can see
a blink of it.

I don't know a reason for it.
I know there are many things that
affect to it but there must also be something
else. And it worries me.

Though I've been swallowing
my tears for a few days now, 
hope keeps me going.
It's something I hold on to until
the very end.
By hoping I keep myself sane, 
so please don't judge my silly hopes.

I think it's crucial for humans to hope.
You can't simply keep going if you've lost
all the hope.
You have no reason to keep going.

I will eventually
get myself back together 
and be able to be my 
bubbly self.
Sadness, overthinking and worrying 
are just something 
my sensitive mind does 
when I'm struggling.

comment and like


Apr 22, 2013

It is not in the stars ...

...to hold our destiny
but in ourselves.
-William Shakespeare

Future seems like a big black hole to me. 
I thought I knew what I wanted from life, but suddenly
I found myself in the room full of doors.
Every single one of those doors represents an 
option in my life.
I suddenly realized that there's more than one
thing I can do and be.
But how to choose wisely?

I think the biggest problem for me is
the fear of unknown.
I'm afraid of choosing the wrong path.
I don't want to regret stupid
choices I've made
but to enjoy every second of life.

I want to do something
I really love
with people
I truly love and admire.

There's so much I want from life,
but so little I can really know
for sure
about the future.

One thing's certain;
I'm going to love with my whole heart.

"Even though the future seems so 
far away, it is actually beginning
right now"
- Mattie Stepanek

Fear not,