Jun 29, 2012

Wind of changes.

I wanted to do something new - So I decided to change the name of my blog to a bit more original one than Daydreams. Hope you like the new name and the gadget photo. I also will change my posts a bit. I hope you'll leave comments about those too. :) It's always good to have feedback.

Now I don't post those Italy photos yet but a pictures from days after the trip. There has been a lot of things going on and I've seen many people during the last two weeks in Finland. Most of the photos are from monday and today, when I spend time with Jasmin. On monday we had a "photoshoot" for her blog and today she painted my nails. :) We had fun and here are few pictures from this week.

So here are the result of hour's work. I like them. A lot.

At Jasmin's Day Spa.

Those crystal-lamp photos are from monday when my family and I visited my dad's workmate.

We had a visiting star in our photoshoot :)

We found a perfect brickwall for the background to give the photos that nice vibe.

And of course when friends meet after a long time there must be some nice chatting. In our case it normally ends up being a real therapy session.
Anyway, it has been awesome and relaxing seeing all my dear friends and relatives in a short time. It always makes you feel there's a reason why you appear. And I believe that everything and everyone has their meaning - it's all part of the big plan. :)


Jun 15, 2012

A desicion

I've decided to try and write this blog in English for awhile. It just feels more me to write in English, can't really explain it any better. So, I warn you, my English isn't perfect and there might be some mistakes (maybe even many) but I hope you'll forgive me.

Soon I'll post some pictures from Italy.


Jun 1, 2012

Saying goodbye is the hardest part...

Se alkaa tosiaan olla jo lopussa, peruskoulu siis. Vielä todistukset ja pieni juhla huomenna mutta sitten me ei enää ikinä olla luokkana yhdessä. Samalla sanotaan hyvästit Tammerkosken koululle jonka nimi muuttuu syksyllä Tammerkoski-Klassillinen Kouluksi. Samalla koulu laajenee reilusti. Tavallaan ollaan onnekkaita kun ei tarvitse jäädä muutoksen pyörteisiin, mutta silti haluaisin ihan vähän lisää aikaa. Tulee ihan mieletön ikävä kaikkia... Mutta Show Must Go On.

Thank you, 9C, for everything! :) Törmäillään.
